Create your own Token

You can use InkWhale to create your own PSP22 (ERC20 equivalent) token

Let's walk through the simple steps to create your own token using the InkWhale platform.

Step 1: Visit and connect your wallet (SubWallet, Polkadot{.js}, Nova Wallet)

Step 2: Fill in all the required information

Step 3: Click the "Create Token" button.

The platform will automatically generate the PSP22 token contract for you. The amount of token you entered in Total Supply will be minted to Mint to address.

📌 Please note that a transaction fee of 10,000 $INW is required for token creation. Rest assured, all collected fees will be burned, contributing to the deflationary mechanism of the INW ecosystem.

Get INW token here:

For step-by-step guidance, check out this video that provides detailed instructions.

Last updated